Tiles Newsletter

Hello everyone and welcome to the "Tiles Files" newsletter – the place where you can stay up-to-date on all the happenings as we
release our sixth studio album "Pretending 2 Run".
"Pretending 2 Run" is a 96-minute song cycle about unexpected and unwanted change. The ambitious double album recounts the tale
of a person disillusioned by betrayal, descending into darkness and struggling to cope with unpleasant realities that redefine
their life. The storyline is reinforced using musical reprises and recurring themes – and expanding our horizons was a top
priority. We enlisted a 25-piece choir, a string quartet, many 'unusual' instruments and called upon an impressive list of special guests
to push us in new directions. Lending their talents are Ian Anderson, Mike Portnoy, Max
Portnoy, Mike Stern, Kim
Mitchell, Adam Holzman, Colin Edwin, Kevin Chown, Mark Mikel, Kevin Dewey, Matthew Parmenter, Matt Cross, Renaissance Voices, Con Spirito, France Espitalier, Ryan Arini, Keith
Kaminski, Joe Deninzon, Tim Michling, Kevin Sharpe
and Sonya Mastick.

September 13, 2015
The previous blog left off with Terry returning from the UK (after touring with Blurred Vision) and us welcoming him with a vast amount of vocals, percussion, bits of
guitar/keyboards and saxophone performances we had recorded in his absence. After making dozens of producer-type decisions and
incorporating these new parts into the songs, Terry beckoned us back to northern Ontario to pour over the results and offer input.
We were also at a point where it was time to make sure all the arrangements were still working for us. In the nearly unlimited
capacity of the digital recording realm we are able to try out ideas – and not all of them stand the test of time. So as expected, a
few parts fell prey to the "mute" button, a couple things needed re-recording and, in one extreme case, we chopped 20 seconds (and a
pretty decent slide guitar solo!) off the end of a song. Apparently, songwriting is never done in digital either!
Many of the songs are connected by sound effects, or they crossfade into each other. Terry had been creating test running orders so
we could hear how the songs and segues were flowing. We discovered some of these connecting pieces needed to change in length or
dynamics to better convey the emotional state or transition of our central character's mind set. Mostly using the Moog pieces
provided by Adam Holzman, some segues had morphed into compositions in their own right. You
may recall Chris had asked Adam to provide several 5-minute sections based on three general emotional states: anger/frustration,
sadness/melancholy and resignation/acceptance. Terry and Chris then manipulated and massaged Adam's improvisations according to
their placement in the storyline. And just like a little sorbet in between fine dining courses to cleanse your palate, we also used
some of Chris' and Jeff's field recordings (hospital sounds, Paris street noise, nature sounds) to help transition the listener and
set a new scene.
As the "Pretending to Run" story and music continued to take shape it seemed natural to look at the songs as simply sections of a
single piece of music. It feels like a continuous journey. Of course, this is not an original idea. Two of our favorite Prog
albums of all time, Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play, are presented as "45-minute songs". But even in the early stages of writing
we established recurring themes and reprises as the project's outline developed.
With recording completed (mostly, as it would turn out), Chris returned to Vis-à-vis Recorders (the official name of Terry's studio)
in early-July to begin the mixing process. Technically, Terry has been mixing to some degree throughout the entire process as he
sets compression, EQ and basic volume levels; positions instruments across the stereo spectrum; creates guitar blends; balances vocal
voicings; etc. But now it's time to make commitments. Thankfully, Terry's expertise and artistry removes much of the stress
typically associated with this phase of recording. Any remaining trepidation is usually the result of individual confidence levels
in the songwriting and arranging!
After the first round of mixing was finished we spent a few weeks listening to the results on a wide range of systems: cheap $20 CD
players, decent boom boxes, home stereos, car systems and headphones - and making follow-up notes. Terry continued working through
our suggestions, plus plenty of his own, until it was time once again for another visit (nothing beats direct interaction after weeks
of email-till-your-fingers bleed communication!). We scheduled a mid-August trip to review all the updates plus address the more
complicated and experimental ideas, which brought us to the 95% completion point. We also decided a keyboard melody in "Pretending to
Run" (the song) needed a different sound and the grand finale in "Pretending to Run (2nd reprise)" needed (you guessed it) another
guitar part. So a little last minute recording was required.
By now, you can probably see a pattern developing. Meaning, there was another period of listening on the aforementioned systems, but
this time our list of suggestions was significantly smaller: a minor adjustment in a kick drum/bass guitar level, a vocal effect
experiment, bring out a drum fill a little more, etc... But while this was going on it was time to get CD and promo photos done.
Hugh Syme concocted an interesting setting and a concept – including a theme for our attire. With Hugh "on the phone," photographer
Paul D'Angelo set up the lighting and positioned us as Hugh described. Paul would take a few pictures and send them to Hugh, much
technical jargon would ensue, lighting would get adjusted and more photos would be taken. Once the CD photos were done we changed
clothes and spent time getting a nice variety of new promotional photos. Paul did an excellent job and for the first time in a long
time we were in a photogenic mood and have more options than we know what to do with!
So here we are in mid-September after yet another round of listening to, and tweaking, the mixes. It's safe to say for all intents
and purposes mixing is finished. Yes, there may be something minor that pops up before we "master," but in the meantime we must turn
our attention to business matters so we can get "Pretending to Run" released in early-2016!
And speaking of business matters..., see our News page for the press release announcing Max Portnoy of the band Next To None as the latest special guest on "Pretending to Run." Max is the son of former Dream Theater and current Winery Dogs / Transatlantic / Flying Colors drummer Mike Portnoy. Max plays on the song "Fait Accompli" and Mike joins in during the bridge
sections allowing Tiles the honor of presenting the debut of the Portnoy family drumming team!
June 14, 2015
Chris ventured to Terry's studio-on-the-lake in April to take care of miscellaneous overdubs. Not surprisingly, there was still snow
on the ground just a couple hours north of Toronto; but at least the ice on the lakes had started creeping away from the shoreline
giving hope that spring was finally making permanent progress. During the trip's short five day period the changing seasons provided
a full range of weather variations: hot, cold, sunny, gray, rain, freezing rain, fog and snow. But when the sky was clear the
sunrises over the lake were remarkably colorful.
The two songs we added to make "Pretending to Run" (P2R) a double album ('Weightless' and 'Friend or Foe') still needed plenty of
attention in the guitar department; but otherwise, Chris and Terry worked song-by-song reviewing arrangements and adding minor
keyboard parts, backing vocals, acoustic guitars, trumpet and other small details – and making a semi-final "to do list". Throughout
TILES' history we've usually stayed within the instrumentation of the band to make sure we could represent the songs live, but we
began P2R with no such philosophy. Actually, we've been gradually loosening these reigns since recognizing we had perhaps been too
austere on Window Dressing. Good songs and brave experimentation to be sure..., but some of the
arrangements needed a bit more development and polish. The pendulum began swinging the other direction with Fly Paper as we used more keyboards and multi-part backing vocals – and invited a wide range of special
guests (Alex Lifeson, Kim Mitchell, Alannah Myles and Matthew Parmenter) to lend their talents. And now with Pretending to Run we're anything but austere as flute, string quartets, choirs, oboe, soprano
saxophone, tambura, loops, spoken word, chimes and many other interesting instruments (and guests) are helping bring the songs to
Keeping us on an even keel are the keen ears, instincts and objectivity of producer Terry Brown. In the throes of inspiration,
creative fervor and the nearly limitless "freedom" we bestowed upon ourselves, it's easy to succumb to the temptation of "why not?"
But just because we "can" do something doesn't mean we "should"! However, even when skeptical, Terry humors our ideas and lets us
experiment. Often times we ultimately have to take "no" for an answer (but occasionally we will say "no" to ourselves - although,
granted, that discipline is difficult to come by!). It can be tough to decipher what's appropriate for the song. This is where a
good producer helps save musicians from themselves. The producer doesn't have the emotional connection or natural biases that come
with being the "creator" and will reign in over-indulgence – to do what's best for the song. We've also enjoyed our extensive
collaboration with Mark Mikel and Matthew Parmenter whose expert skills have been a master class in arranging.
But enough philosophy..., what else have we accomplished since the last update? Well, Paul did a lot of singing that's for sure! We
had been living with guide vocals on 'Fait Accompli' and 'Drops of Rain' so those two songs needed lead vocals – then Matthew P. and
Paul spent several days teaming up on backing vocals for 'Drops of Rain' and miscellaneous harmonies on a bunch of other songs
(depending on what the song needed). Chris organized a percussion session at his son's school and Matthew Parmenter provided a
portable digital recorder and engineering services. Chimes (tubular bells), tympani, orchestral bass drum and bells were all
recorded. Many thanks for band director Peter Kopera for his hospitality!
Quite possibly the final "Pretending to Run" recording session occurred May 17th at Metro 37 Studios in Rochester Hills, MI. One of the three main studios we've worked in for the
past two years (they have a great sounding drum room), our main focus this time was bringing in a guest soloist for 'Weightless'.
Something about the solo section has always said "soprano saxophone goes here," so we invited Detroit-area reed master Keith Kaminski to work his magic. You may recognize Keith's name from Off the Floor 01 where he contributed flute to the new arrangement of 'The Wading Pool'. More
notable is Keith's membership in the Motor City Horns who tour regularly
with Bob Seger.
Chris had prepared a basic chart to notate the chords and shifting time signatures of the solo section. Keith then customized his
own version to help him clarify the meter(s) and repeats. Click here to check out the chart "before (top) and after
Needless to say it was a thrill to watch and hear Keith create – moving seamlessly through the chord changes with each take better
than the last. We gave him complete artistic freedom and goaded him into playing "outside" a bit. And just like Mike Stern, Keith decided to do one last take just for fun and that ended up being the keeper!
Apparently that's what happens when the pressure is off.
Now that we could hear the complete solo section, it was apparent we needed more energy as the solo peaked, concluded and segued into
the next section. This was finally the opportunity we had been looking for to invite Metro 37's owner (an accomplished keyboardist
and Emmy-winning engineer) Kevin Sharpe to make a guest appearance. Ironically, Kevin has been a Tiles fan since 1990 when the
"Standing Pavement" cassette was released, so it was an interesting twist of fate to have one of our very first fans make a guest
appearance 25 years later! It was unanimous that Hammond B-3 was the right instrument so Chris showed Kevin the chord progression –
and a few glissandos and Leslie revolutions later the solo section had the powerful resolution it needed!
Terry was in the U.K. for this series of Detroit-area sessions so he had a mountain of work waiting for him when he returned. He has
been sifting through all the parts, options and multiple versions these past few weeks to choose the best performances and decide
what "works" and what lands on the cutting room floor. Chris will travel to the great "green" north later in June to make sure all
the songs are ready for mixing (finally, eh?). Hugh Syme will also venture north from Toronto to add keyboards to "Drops of Rain" –
which would, true to form, give him actual "final recording session" distinction. Previously, Hugh's guest appearances on 'Slippers
in the Snow' and 'Passing Notes' have always come in just under the wire!
The end of recording also means the beginning of artwork: concepts, themes, designs and liner notes. It's always an exciting time to
see what the music will "look" like and working with Hugh is, simply put, a great creative experience (fun). Although..., the liner
notes have been especially challenging keeping track of who did what and where! We've already got several versions of the CD cover
floating around and Hugh has roughed out some of the interior artwork images to go with certain "pivotal" songs.
That's all for now..., "be seeing you"...
March 28, 2015
Wow..., it's already been six weeks since the previous Tiles Files entry – where does the time go?
The good news is we've done a bunch of recording since we last checked in. We ventured to Dead Moth Studio in Toledo several times to
continue working on vocals with Mark Mikel assisting. Joined again by Matthew
Parmenter, he and Paul finished lead vocals on "Friend or Foe" and "Weightless" – with Chris and Jeff contributing bits of
backing vocals and Mark M. also chiming in every so often. Matthew has an interesting way of notating melody lines by indicating
their shape and the intervals between notes. Check out his hieroglyphics for "Weightless" here (lyrics ©2015 Standing Pavement
Publishing). Although some backing vocal parts are pre-arranged by Chris, a lot of experimenting always takes place with three lead
vocalists (and songwriters) on hand. This is something new for us and has led to some rich – and sometimes bombastic – backing
When we decided to turn "Pretending to Run" into a double album we chose a couple songs we hadn't "gotten around to yet." Chris had
demoed these extra tunes (with Terry programming basic drum patterns) so we wouldn't forget them. This meant for the first time in
Tiles history Mark had to play along to an existing song that already had guitar, vocals and a few other instruments recorded. In
other words..., he had to play to an unforgiving click track! Sure..., we use click tracks when recording as a band – but we aren't
sticklers for perfect time. And Terry is the kind of producer who is on the lookout for performances that "feel right". Moments of
inspiration are worth preserving even if they are not technically flawless, it's the little imperfections that make music live and
Fortunately, this change in routine made no difference to Mark. He actually seemed to enjoy a new approach and delivered some of his
most inspired parts of the album. He was able to push and pull against the existing instruments so you'd never know we painted him
into a corner!
Terry had flown into Detroit mid-March and we set up camp again at Metro 37 Studio
to record drums, bass and percussion. Here's a photo of Terry, his right-hand man for engineering and all things Pro Tools, Ryan Arini, and Ryan's
back-up, Paul, discussing ‘something' of great importance. The first day was spent setting up drums and getting sounds: try this
snare, that cymbal, this microphone, etc... and eventually starting on "Friend or Foe" (F2, for short).
For the next several days it was all about the drums on "F2" and "Weightless" before Jeff got to fire up his basses. As always, he
was well-prepared; so when it came time to integrate Terry's input; experimenting and making minor adjustments delivered great
results. Check out Jeff's cool melody in "Weightless" here (although the Ken
Smith 5-string is his workhorse, he never misses a chance to find a place for his custom fretless!).
Our last day at Metro 37 included a visit (no 'work') from Matthew Parmenter (Terry is mixing Matthew's new solo album) and a guest
appearance by our go-to percussionist friend Sonya Mastick. We talked Sonya into contributing her arsenal of instruments to a song
on ‘Pretending to Run' and "Weightless" happened to be the song. There's something about a percussion specialist that adds a certain
'je ne sais quoi'. Sonya brought out her tablas, congas, assorted shakers and tambourines and we ran through the 9-minute song
multiple times; picking and choosing what we wanted and where. Mark actually constructed some of his parts with percussion in mind,
kind of in the classic Nigel Olsson / Ray Cooper mold. Always upbeat, funny and easy to work with, Sonya came up with great ideas and performances.
Terry's last day in the Detroit area was spent at Mark Mikel's Dead Moth Studio
in Toledo where it was Chris' turn to do a little guitar work. Classical guitar and mandolin on "Friend or Foe" and 12-string, banjo
and Leslie guitar (rotation ably adjusted real-time by Mark M.) on "Weightless". Here's a picture of a camera-shy Mark Mikel hard at work...
So..., to recap the past six weeks: after recording vocals, vocals, vocals, drums, bass, percussion and a little guitar, the two
additional songs are nearing completion. The next big push toward the finish line is Chris' trip to bucolic Port Carling in
mid-April for misc. guitars, keyboards, arrangement refining and addressing a host of minor details. Hugh Syme may break away from
his RUSH 40th Anniversary tour preparations and his Art of Rush book promotions to
contribute keyboards to "Drops of Rain". Speaking of the massive "Art of Rush" book, Hugh generously invited Chris to contribute a
story about his favorite cover (A Farewell to Kings, if you're curious). Chris and Hugh have become friends (even having written a
handful of tunes together) since Hugh started working with TILES (at Terry's suggestion) beginning with 1999's Presents of Mind and including Window Dressing, Fly Paper, Off the Floor 01, Off the
Floor 02, and now Pretending to Run (which is looking good so far!).
Until next time..., Cheers!
February 15, 2015
Although certainly not as extreme as the relentless cycle of storms being experienced in the Northeast, we in Michigan have had some
winter weather to contend with ourselves. It's to be expected, of course..., but we prefer the weather not interfere with our
plans! Oh well, that's obviously an unrealistic and unreasonable expectation. Besides..., shoveling is good exercise –
Anyway, after a few delays we finally caught a break in the weather and made it to Toledo with Matthew Parmenter (Discipline) in tow. Matthew has been a guest on every Tiles album beginning with Presents of Mind – usually on violin or keyboards. However, for Pretending to Run we convinced him
to contribute lead vocals on several songs to help convey the main character's different states of mind. Sometimes Matt and Paul are
singing together and sometimes alternating sections. It's an experiment that's turning out quite good!

Matt delivered his characteristic "dark lament" persona throughout "Friend or Foe" with Paul adding contrast to the "B" verses and
choruses. We also re-visited "Small Fire Burning" and finished backing vocals for the fourth verse. Chris and Matt teamed up for
the multi-tracked three-part harmonies with Mark Mikel stepping in when Chris ran
out of "range".
Also lending his diverse set of skills to these two songs is Porcupine Tree
bassist Colin Edwin. Colin crafted an interesting collection of textures and
soundscapes to add what he calls "subtle intervention:" low-fi drum machine and distorted loop counter rhythms, ebowed bass, sliced
effects, tuned African drums, clay pots and found sounds. Quite the palette! Although known for his inventive 'every-note-is-in-the
perfect-place' bass playing, Colin's arranging skills are equally impressive. It's definitely a treat to work with him. Be sure and
check out his Burnt Belief project with Jon Durant. It's Chris' favorite "find
of 2014".

Up next..., more vocals and more winter!

February 1, 2015
Chris trekked from Detroit to the Great White North last week for a few days of...singing (?). Yes, it's true – even though it
wasn't necessarily the plan. Except for a little acoustic guitar, all electric guitars, amps, keyboards and miscellaneous
instruments that crossed the border went untouched the entire time!
Guide vocals were completed for "Weightless," "Friend or Foe" and "The Disappearing Floor". Plus some "mostly" keeper three-part
harmony vocal pads in "Pretending to Run (reprise 1)," "Pretending to Run (reprise 2)" and "Friend or Foe".
Much time was spent uploading and integrating vocals Paul, Chris and Matthew Parmenter recorded at Mark Mikel's in Toledo, keyboard
parts sent by Adam Holzman and violin parts provided by Joe Deninzon. When recording remotely we always give Terry options from which he can
choose. As producer he decides
what makes the cut and which parts serve the song..., or not. Certainly we weigh in, but invariably there are a few surprises with
what gets left on the cutting room floor!
Joe gave us a lot of great takes for the melody parts in the choruses of the instrumental "Uneasy Truce": acoustic and electric
violin versions and off-the-hook distorted Hendrix-inspired soloing. Terry chose the traditional acoustic tone which ended up having
a nice Kansas flavor. Check out the
chart Chris provided, complete with the guitar part (© 2015 Standing Pavement).
Besides merging Adam's parts into "Taken by Surprise," Chris and Terry worked with his multi-layered Moog soundscapes to create
segues between quite a few of the songs. One soundscape ended up being a song unto itself. Christened "Other Arrangements" in honor
of the album's original title (and sub-theme), it represents the character's final internal battle to reluctantly accept a 'new
Closer to home (Toledo specifically) Paul delivered lead vocals on both "Pretending to Run" reprises – but only after much
experimentation. These two songs bring the story to its "first" conclusion, so the perfect delivery is especially essential. Once
we decided what "it" was Paul nailed the parts! Matthew Parmenter (Discipline) guests on lead vocals for the verses of "Small Fire Burning" and Matt and Paul
collaborated on backing vocal arrangements throughout the song. Paul and Chris teamed up for a collection of huge backing vocals in
"Shelter in Place". Two choruses took all day, but it was worth the sore throats. It's probably the hit single!
Back to the Great White North, here's a picture of Chris' cozy work zone where he worked out the weekend's three-part harmony vocal pads – complete with
analog music notation and 16-year Lagavulin. Also part of the amenities is a hearty British / Canadian cuisine. Note the
"Signals" salt and pepper shakers in the photo! Terry makes a nice vinaigrette for salads and is quite exceptional preparing fish.
Even Hugh Syme will clear his calendar for one of Terry's lasagnas! One thing is sure..., there's always a well-balanced meal when
dinner time arrives!!
Up next: vocals and even more vocals; and Colin Edwin
January 11, 2015
We are pleased to announce that keyboardist Adam Holzman has worked some of
his magic for the song "Taken by Surprise" (at 11-minutes, the longest track on 'Pretending to Run'). Adam is a member of Steven Wilson's band and is also an alumnus of Miles Davis' band.
Besides "Taken by Surprise," Adam also crafted three segues of moods and textures using his arsenal of Moog gear. We'll use these to connect many of the songs together. We recommend a visit to his website to check out all his interesting activities.
Click here for a
peek at the notes Chris sent Adam. It's safe to say Adam went way beyond these general instructions to deliver some great sounds and
Here's a photo of Chris and Adam at Progtoberfest last October:

December 21, 2014
If you've been following our progress you probably noticed our list of special guests keeps growing. Maybe to the point where you
might be asking yourself: "are these guys going to play anything themselves?" Well yes..., of course we are. But, a big concept
needs a bold approach – and sometimes the music demands things we can't do "in-house". Lucky for us, collaboration opportunities
have also arisen that are simply fun-to-do with friends and well-known mentors.
So why not turn Mike Portnoy loose on a song or two to work his magic? Or have Jethro Tull's inimitable front man, Ian Anderson,
deliver one of his iconic flute solos? Or welcome renowned guitarist Mike Stern to weave his way through a lengthy ride-out solo?
And..., it's always a no-brainer to invite Kim Mitchell to bring his blistering six string chops to the proceedings.
Closer to home we've enlisted the remarkable Mark Mikel (Pillbugs) to contribute his inventive string and vocal arrangements – and
veteran Tiles confidant and bassist extraordinaire Kevin Chown makes a return.
To help convey the different states-of-mind, inner thoughts and emotions of our central character, Matthew Parmenter of "Discipline"
joins Paul for some dual lead vocals as does "Hell Rides North" front man Ryan Arini. Even Chris takes a few brief turns on the lead
microphone for the first time ever! Another first for Tiles is enlisting the services of a 25-piece choir and a string
...and there are a few more special guests yet to come!

December 20, 2014
Before we talk about what's happening now, let's back track a bit and catch up on a few things...
When recording began in March 2013, we confidently announced the name of our next studio album as "Other Arrangements." A song cycle
about a man blindsided by betrayal, his journey through disillusionment and darkness, and the struggles he faces coping with new
realities that redefine his life.
Then, it happened. Several people asked if "Other Arrangements" was going to be an album of cover songs! Well..., warning lights
flashed and sirens wailed – loud and clear. There was little question this is a misinterpretation we could ill afford. We can't
have any confusion our next album contains anything but new Tiles music!
Fortunately, lyrically and musically there are recurring themes and reprises. And although our central character is forced to make
"Other Arrangements," he also spends time in isolation, operating under false pretenses and mistaking retreat for an effective coping
method – or in other words, "Pretending to Run." Anyway, maybe it was all just the hand of destiny pointing us in the right
direction. After all, the first song of the CD has always been ‘Pretending to Run'!
April 8, 2014
We are extremely pleased to announce that legendary JETHRO TULL frontman Ian
Anderson will make a special guest appearance on our upcoming studio album, "Other Arrangements."
Chris provides a little background:
"Ian has been a Tiles fan since way back in 1999 when we released Presents Of Mind. Over the
years we floated the idea of him making a guest appearance and eventually the timing was right. He was just finishing up mixing
his new solo album Homo Erraticus and had a window of opportunity before
he dove into tour rehearsals and promotional stuff. We sent Ian a moody atmospheric tune and he wove some cool melodies in
between vocal phrases; then cuts loose with his trademark flute improvising during the song's long rideout solo. I think I
listened to it twenty times to make sure it really happened - what a thrill for us and what a generous gesture from an icon of
progressive rock!"

January 30, 2014
We are excited to announce that Mike Portnoy (ex-Dream Theater, Winery Dogs, Flying Colors, Transatlantic, etc.) has contributed
drums to two songs for our next studio album "Other Arrangements" (not to be confused with the upcoming live CD Off the Floor 02).
Chris flew to the east coast to Portnoy HQ a couple weeks ago (in between snow storms, luckily!) where Mike used his infamous TAMA
"siamese monster" kit to deliver his instantly recognizable and energetic style:
"What a treat to watch Mike work his magic! He was always experimenting and keeping things fresh and spontaneous. Mark Evans is the
same way, with that "fly by the seat of your pants" approach. Mike's tunes really work well alongside Mark's. Plus, we did a couple
other cool things at Mike's which we'll announce later. Many thanks to Jerry Guidroz for making the trip and capturing it all 'on
tape.' "Other Arrangements" is shaping up to be quite the rhythm section tour-de-force!" - Chris.
October 16, 2013
Tiles "Other Arrangements" Progress Report...
"It's our best work yet!!" -- Oh wait..., that's what every band/artist says now. In fact, that lofty claim (i.e. marketing hype) has
been said so often and for so many years that if someone doesn't say it music fans can only assume you're not delivering the best
thing you've ever done!
Quite frankly, we're not sure how the new recording will rank amongst our catalog or even among the astronomical amount of music
being released these days; but, we are working hard and to the best of our abilities - and are definitely excited by what we've come up
officially began recording in March 2013 and after subsequent sessions in June, August and September find ourselves with all the bass and drums recorded
and about a third of the rhythm guitars completed. We brought in longtime Tiles accomplice Kevin Chown to provide the bass track for "Drops of Rain" since Jeff had already played
the maximum number of notes allowed under his contract. Kevin then proceeded to play lots of notes too, so we now could say this will
be the Tiles CD with "the most (best?) bass notes yet!"
On the recording front, experimentation is high on our list of priorities. We've expanded our stylistic range to include experimentingelectronic & industrial grooves; and the great sounding drum room at Metro 37 Studio has inspired us to have Mark double some of his drum parts, with
Terry Brown using some interesting techniques pioneered by Glyn Johns back in
the 1960s. Chris is using a diverse arsenal of acoustic and electric guitars, banjo, mandolin, Mesa amps and mostly-vintage pedals to create some serious crunch and contrasting textures. He's
even experimenting
with super-heavy gauge strings (Elixir, of course) and alternate tunings in
his quest for something a little different. Especially cool, so far, are some of Terry's mic placements
for ambient sounds and hiding acoustic guitars (and banjo) behind extremely distorted guitars. Some of that distortion is coming from
the Kollmanation pedal, which is a new boutique pedal designed by our old Edwin
Dare guitarist buddy Jeff Kollman.
De rigueur in the prog world is the ever-present concept album and Tiles is guilty of generally having a "theme" to each album. But,
we've taken things one step farther with "Other Arrangements." It has a storyline - a narrative that develops over the entire series
of songs, complete with musical reprises and recurring themes. Maybe like a rock opera, but probably more like a "novella" - which is
concerned with personal and emotional development, like a short story. There's not a lot of how or why things happen(ed) to our main
character, but rather what he (or she) copes with in the aftermath of personal upheaval. Think "A Pleasant Shade of Gray" rather than
"The Wall" or "Scenes From A Memory."
March 8, 2013
We have been rehearsing diligently, putting the final touches on each song's basic rhythm track arrangement in preparation for
entering the studio later this month. Terry Brown will again produce and engineer for us, splitting his time between Detroit and his
new studio in bucolic Muskoka (several hours north of Toronto). It's no secret our pending sixth album is entitled Other
Arrangements - an ambitious 60-minute song cycle relating the story of a man disillusioned by betrayal, his descent into
darkness, and the struggles he faces coping with the unpleasant realities that have redefined his life. What's not disclosed is if
the story has a happy ending (?).